Independence In Motion is Still Here to Serve You!
To Our Valued Customers,
Everyone at Independence In Motion shares in your concerns surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a Home Medical Equipment Supplier, we provide “essential services” which enable our customers to remain independent and safe at home. We take that responsibility seriously and have mobilized our team to respond to the emergent need for our products and services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our top priority is to maintain the safety and well-being of our customers and employees. To accomplish this priority, we will be making some short-term changes that will impact the way we serve our customers.
What We Are Doing
We are regularly monitoring coronavirus (COVID-19) updates and have implemented stringent protocols in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health authorities. We have also taken extraordinary precautions in tailoring our business practices to combat and prevent the community spread of COVID-19 as we continue to operate as an essential business. While our goal is to minimize any disruption to regular business, we are enacting the following changes:
- At Independence In Motion, implementing precautionary measures to ensure a clean and safe environment at all times, not just during a health crisis, is a standard way of doing business that is reflected in our accreditation from BOC. As a condition of our accreditation, we are required to have very rigorous and stringent infection control protocols and standards in place. With COVID-19, we have increased the frequency and intensity of regularly scheduled cleansing and disinfection efforts in our facilities and delivery vehicles.
- We are disinfecting commonly used surfaces, such as doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desktops, etc., before and after each use.
- We are reinforcing universal precautions for personal interactions and equipment handling and utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessary and recommended by local health agencies.
- We are requiring all employees to pass a mandatory Standard Precautions and Infection Control course which covers how to protect against transmission of the virus, including hand-washing protocols and enhanced cleaning of high-touch areas.
- We are ensuring that all on-site staff practices social distancing by maintaining 6ft of the distance between each other’s workspaces.
- We are still here to serve you by phone during our regular business hours: Mon – Fri, 8 am – 4:30 pm.
- We are implementing a COVID-19 screening questionnaire prior to all in-home evaluations, deliveries, and repairs to ensure proper precautions are being taken. Appointments will be rescheduled if a potentially high-risk scenario is identified.
- We are equipping our Drivers, ATPs, and Field Service Technicians with personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, bodysuit, foot covers, etc.) for all home deliveries, evaluations, and repairs as necessary and recommended by local health agencies.
- We are temporarily postponing ‘non-urgent’ equipment maintenance and cosmetic repairs to reduce unnecessary exposure to our patients and employees. We will prioritize and continue to service and repair equipment that is non-functional and/or essential to maintaining independence at home.
Steps You Can Take
To reduce your risk of contracting and/or spreading COVID-19, it is recommended that you take the following precautions:
- Don’t shake hands
- Don’t touch anything in public spaces
- Don’t touch your face
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds (hum the “Happy Birthday” song two times)
- Use hand sanitizer regularly between washes
- Avoid crowded places (churches, stores, large events, schools)
- Avoid contact with friends or family who travel frequently (train or airplane)
- Avoid contact with friends or family who attend public events
- Get enough rest (7-8 hours of sleep)
- Stay hydrated
If you need any additional information or further updates about COVID-19, we encourage you to consult the CDC website for the latest information.
We will continue to keep you updated on any relevant information on how our services will be impacted as the situation develops. Thank you for entrusting us to safely deliver essential home medical equipment and services during this unprecedented and challenging time.